Our league plays by USGA Rules

1 Jun 2022 by AmyG

The first rule of golf is to play the course as you find it and to play the ball as it lies. As a league, we play by the USGA Rules and in the spirit of the game, acting with integrity, showing consideration to others and taking good care of the course.

According to USGA rules, there are valid opportunities for free relief, i.e., abnormal course conditions, dangerous animal conditions, and embedded balls. The spirit of the game is to play without creating an unfair advantage or putting a player in a dangerous position.

We are a casual league, but we do play by the rules. You may choose to ignore (or intentionally break a rule) by taking yourself out of the game on any particular hole. Many of our players know the rules, but there is also a link to the USGA rules on our website/app, should you need or want it.

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